This is another favourite of mine: Harddisko by Valentina Vuksic. I like the noise that the broken harddisks are making. I sure hope my own pc get the idea for being this musical for the time being! I rather like it working the way it does, thank you very much.
Perhaps Ondulation, by Thomas McIntosh, is my absolute favourite, because it's so beautiful. Honestly, no picture or film can do justice to this piece: you have to see it for yourself. But I filmed it anyway to give an impression of it.
And MOBI (by Graham Smith) could be a great alternative for sick children who can't be at school for a while: the robot is still quite a presence, and the child can look and talk through the robot and miss no lessons. I felt weird talking to the person on the screen, but I got used to it.

For example: I need my hands to play with Drawn (by Zachary Lieberman)! Filming and playing at the same time proved to be a challenge, but it was fun nontheless. I like to say to visitors that children love Drawn... But actually, we're all just big kids, aren't we? Everyone loves playing with Drawn!
So, that's it for now. I'll work for DEAF at least another day (in about two weeks). It's a great experience. Talking to the guests and visitors is enlightening. And giving a tour to people from the "Kennisalliantie" was very interesting too. I thought that I didn't know enough about the pieces, but they actually complimented me for the way I talked about the pieces. Oh well, as long as they enjoyed it and got inspired, I'm content. :)
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